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Time : 09:30-11:00 am , Jan. 25(Thursday)
Venue: Room 300, SIBS Main Building, Yueyang Road 320
Host: Prof. Sijia Wang 
        CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology

Speaker: Shuigeng Zhou(周水庚) , PhD
          Professor ,The School of Computer Science, Fudan University.
          Email: sgzhou@fudan.edu.cn


Title: Structured Sparse Representation: New Models and Their Applications



        Sparse representation (SR) is widely used as a classifier for high-dimensional data such as images, texts and bioinfomatic data. It uses an over-complete dictionary formed by training samples to linearly represent a test sample, while requiring the representation coefficient vector to be sparse. Structured sparse representation exploits structured prior information of data, and thus boosts up its representation ability and eventually improves the classification performance. In the talk, I will introduce some new structured sparsity learning models developed by my group, including the uncertain group sparse representation (UGSR) model, the group-graph joint (GGJ) model, and the semi-supervised sparse representation (SS-SR) model. Furthermore, I’ll talk about their applications to text, image and biological data classification.



        Shuigeng Zhou is now a professor at the School of Computer Science, Fudan University. He received his Bachelor degree from Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST) in 1988, his Master degree from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) in 1991, and his PhD of Computer Science from Fudan University in 2000. His research interests include data management, data mining, machine learning and Bioinformatics. In recent years, he has focused on developing/applying data management and machine learning techniques for/to analyzing biological data. He has extensively published in database, AI and bioinformatics journals (e.g. VLDBJ, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TPDS, IEEE TCBB, Nature Communications, NAR and Bioinformatics etc.) and conferences (e.g. SIGMOD, SIGKDD, VLDB, ICDE, AAAI, IJCAI, ICCV, SODA, ISMB and RECOMB). He is now the chairman of Bioinformatics Society under China Computer Federation, the Co-chair of IFIP WG12.8 “Intelligent Bioinformatics and Biomedical Systems”. He has involved in the organization of a number of bioinformatics conferences/workshops (the program chair of APBC 2014 and GIW 2016, and the conference chair of CBC 2017 and ISBRA 2018), and served in the program committee of many international database, AI and bioinformatics conferences.


        All are welcome!

