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MYC promotes global transcription in part by controlling P-TEFb complex formation via DNA-binding independent inhibition of CDK9 SUMOylation
论文作者 Guan, QQ; Chen, ZS; Yu, F; Liu, LL; Huang, YY; Wei, G; Chiang, CM; Wong, JM; Li, JW
论文年度 2023
论文类别 Article; Early Access
摘要 MYC is an oncogenic transcription factor with a novel role in enhancing global transcription when overexpressed. However, how MYC promotes global transcription remains controversial. Here, we used a series of MYC mutants to dissect the molecular basis for MYC-driven global transcription. We found that MYC mutants deficient in DNA binding or known transcriptional activation activities can still promote global transcription and enhance serine 2 phosphorylation (Ser2P) of the RNA polymerase (Pol) II C-terminal domain (CTD), a hallmark of active elongating RNA Pol II. Two distinct regions within MYC can promote global transcription and Ser2P of Pol II CTD. The ability of various MYC mutants to promote global transcription and Ser2P correlates with their ability to suppress CDK9 SUMOylation and enhance positive transcription elongation factor b (P-TEFb) complex formation. We showed that MYC suppresses CDK9 SUMOylation by inhibiting the interaction between CDK9 and SUMO enzymes including UBC9 and PIAS1. Furthermore, MYC's activity in enhancing global transcription positively contributes to its activity in promoting cell proliferation and transformation. Together, our study demonstrates that MYC promotes global transcription, at least in part, by promoting the formation of the active P-TEFb complex via a sequence-specific DNA-binding activity-independent manner.
影响因子 9.1