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SLC7A14 imports GABA to lysosomes and impairs hepatic insulin sensitivity via mTORC2
论文作者 Jiang, XX; Liu, K; Jiang, HZ; Yin, HR; Wang, ED; Cheng, H; Yuan, FX; Xiao, F; Wang, FF; Lu, W; Peng, B; Shu, YS; Li, XY; Chen, SH; Guo, FF
论文年度 2023
论文类别 Article
摘要 Lysosomal amino acid accumulation is implicated in several diseases, but its role in insulin resistance, the central mechanism to type 2 diabetes and many metabolic diseases, is unclear. In this study, we show the hepatic expression of lysosomal membrane protein solute carrier family 7 member 14 (SLC7A14) is increased in insulin-resistant mice. The promoting effect of SLC7A14 on insulin resistance is demonstrated by loss-and gain-of-function experiments. SLC7A14 is further demonstrated as a transporter resulting in the accumula-tion of lysosomal g-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which induces insulin resistance via inhibiting mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2)'s activity. These results establish a causal link between lysosomal amino acids and insulin resis-tance and suggest that SLC7A14 inhibition may provide a therapeutic strategy in treating insulin resistance -related and GABA-related diseases and may provide insights into the upstream mechanisms for mTORC2, the master regulator in many important processes.
影响因子 8.8