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Making sense of the ageing methylome
论文作者 Seale, K; Horvath, S; Teschendorff, A; Eynon, N; Voisin, S
论文年度 2022
论文类别 Review
摘要 Over time, the human DNA methylation landscape accrues substantial damage, which has been associated with a broad range of age-related diseases, including cardiovascular disease and cancer. Various age-related DNA methylation changes have been described, including at the level of individual CpGs, such as differential and variable methylation, and at the level of the whole methylome, including entropy and correlation networks. Here, we review these changes in the ageing methylome as well as the statistical tools that can be used to quantify them. We detail the evidence linking DNA methylation to ageing phenotypes and the longevity strategies aimed at altering both DNA methylation patterns and machinery to extend healthspan and lifespan. Lastly, we discuss theories on the mechanistic causes of epigenetic ageing. In this Review, the authors give an overview of age-related changes to the methylation landscape and the statistical tools used to quantify them. They also discuss the evidence for longevity strategies that aim to counter these changes, and the candidate mechanistic causes of epigenetic ageing.