


邮箱: hma@sinh.ac.cn

电话: +86-21-

所属部门: 中国科学院计算生物学重点实验室


2024.12-至   今:中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所 研究员
2019.06-2024.11:美国杜兰大学 博士后
2013.09-2019.06:哈尔滨医科大学 博士
2008.09-2013.06:哈尔滨医科大学 学士  




1. 膳食、生活方式与慢性代谢性疾病关系的队列研究
2. 多组学在人群研究中的应用
3. 膳食临床营养干预


  1. Ma H#, Li X, Sun D, Zhou T, Ley SH, Gustat J, Heianza Y, Qi L. Association of habitual glucosamine use with risk of cardiovascular disease: prospective study in UK Biobank. BMJ 2019;365:l1628.
  2. Ma H#, Wang X, Li X, Heianza Y, Qi L. Food insecurity and premature mortality and life expectancy. JAMA Intern Med 2024;184(3):301-310.
  3. Ma H#, Wang X, Xue Q, Li X, Liang Z, Heianza Y, Franco OH, Qi L. Cardiovascular Health and Life Expectancy Among Adults in the United States. Circulation 2023;147:1137-1146.
  4. Ma H#, Xue Q, Wang X, Li X, Franco OH, Li Y, Heianza Y, Manson JE, Qi L. Adding salt to foods and hazard of premature mortality. Eur Heart J 2022;43:2878-2888. Impact factor: 35.9
  5. Ma H#, Wang X, Li X, Heianza Y, Qi L. Adding Salt to Foods and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease. J Am Coll Cardiol 2022;80:2157-2167.
  6. Wang X#, Ma H#, Li X, Heianza Y, Manson JE, Franco OH, Qi L. Association of Cardiovascular Health With Life Expectancy Free of Cardiovascular Disease, Diabetes, Cancer, and Dementia in UK Adults. JAMA Intern Med 2023;183:340-349. 
  7. Wang X#, Ma H#, Li X, Heianza Y, Manson JE, Franco OH, Qi L. Joint Association of Loneliness and Traditional Risk Factor Control, and Incident Cardiovascular Disease in Diabetes Patients. Eur Heart J 2023 Jul 21;44(28):2583-2591. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehad306. 
  8. Ma H#, Li X, Zhou T, Sun D, Liang Z, Li Y, Heianza Y, Qi L. Glucosamine Use, Inflammation, and Genetic Susceptibility, and Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes: A Prospective Study in UK Biobank. Diabetes Care 2020;43:719-725.
  9. Ma H#, Wang X#, Li X, Heianza Y, Manson JE, Qi L. Proteomic Signature of BMI and Risk of Cardiovascular Disease. Clin Chem 2024 Dec;70(12):1474–1484.