


邮箱: ting.qi@sinh.ac.cn

所属部门: 中国科学院计算生物学重点实验室


2024-至  今:中国科学院上海营养与健康研究所  研究员
2020-2024年:西湖大学  副研究员
2016-2020年:澳大利亚昆士兰大学  博士后
2011-2016年:浙江大学  数量遗传学  博士
2007-2011年:扬州大学  农学  学士





1)在单细胞水平上进行分子表型(如基因表达, DNA甲基化)的遗传学研究,并探索其与复杂疾病的关联性;




1. Qi T. #,* et al. From genetic associations to genes: methods, applications, and challenges. Trends in Genetics (2024)

2. Zhang R. #, Fang J. #, Qi T. # et al. Maternal aging drives offspring adult trait formation via aged mitochondria. Cell Research 33, 821-834 (2023) (#Co-first author; Cover story)

3. Qi T., Wu Y., Fang H., Zhang F., Liu S., Zeng J., Yang J. Genetic control of RNA splicing and its distinct role in complex trait variation. Nature Genetics 54, 1355-1363 (2022)

4. Wu Y.#, Qi T.#, Wang H., Zhang F., Zheng Z., Phillips-Cremins J.E., Deary I.J., McRae A.F., Wray N.R., Zeng J., Yang J. Promoter-anchored chromatin interactions predicted from genetic analysis of epigenomic data. Nature Communications 11, 2061 (2020) (#Co-first author)

5. Qi T., Wu Y., Zeng J., Zhang F., Xue A., Jiang L., Zhu Z., Kemper K., Yengo L., Zheng Z., eQTLGen Consortium, Marioni R.E., Montgomery G.W., Deary I.J., Wray N.R., Visscher P.M., McRae A.F., Yang J. Identifying gene targets for brain-related traits using transcriptomic and methylomic data from blood. Nature Communications 9, 2282 (2018)

6. Qi T., Cao Y., Cao L., Gao Y., Zhu S., Lou X., Xu H. Dissecting genetic architecture underlying seed trait in multiple environment. Genetics 199, 61-71 (2015)

7. Qi T., Jiang B., Zhu Z., Wei C., Gao Y., Zhu S., Xu H., Lou X. Mixed linear model approach for mapping quantitative trait loci underlying crop seed traits. Heredity 113, 224 (2014)

8. Trubetskoy V., Pardinas A., Qi T. et al. Mapping genomic loci implicates genes and synaptic biology in schizophrenia. Nature 604, 502-508 (2022)

9. Sun X., Xue A., Qi T., Chen D., Shi D., Wu Y., Zheng Z., Zeng J., Yang J. Tumor mutational burden is polygenic and genetically associated with complex traits and diseases. Cancer Research 85, 1230-1239 (2021)

10. Jiang L., Zheng Z., Qi T., Kemper K., Wray N.R., Visscher P.M., Yang J. A resource-efficient tool for mixed model association analysis of large-scale data. Nature Genetics 51, 1749-1755 (2019)